First know this: we are fine. Better than fine. Able, for fleeting moments at least, to appreciate the ridiculous luxury of our daily life—the electricity, the warmth, the preserved food, the dryness of our floors and walls and beds.
There has been no school for a week, which is...refreshing? Strange? Both odd and wonderful. My faithful collaborators have been reading steadily and widely, if not deeply somehow. While this should be an opportunity for clear and deep focus, somehow it hasn't been so for us. There is an unsettled feeling to everything, a sort of fracturing of our attention.
What we were able to do, was volunteer at our local library. We had gotten the alert that many of their regular workers were unable to get there, so I headed over, and when I got the OK to have under-18 help, so did Diana.
We got to wheel one of those book carts around and shelve books. I must say, it felt pretty cool, finally seeing what it's like in the back room (spoiler: lots of books).
Also? Amusing fact: Ayn Rand was classified as YA. Disturbing fact: Ayn Rand was in the "assignment books" section (what kind of assigment?). Neutral fact: at least in our library, graphic novels for adults are mixed in with other fiction, including fantasy, sci fi, and romance, in an invigoratingly democratic hodgepodge. (Yes, I just wrote "hodgepodge," and it felt great.)
While that was satisfying, we still feel...strange. We are so lucky, and are very appreciative of our luck. I hope you this finds you all warm and dry and safe.
Local Brooklyn people can also find volunteer opportunities here. Though I think the library is all set for now.
So glad you guys are okay. And volunteering at the library! What a perfect thing to do! Aren't library back rooms a trip? It's like getting to go into the teachers' lounge: a chamber of mysteries.
Posted by: Els Kushner | November 03, 2012 at 12:22 PM
I'm glad to hear ya'll are good and safe and dry. So terrible -- the news we hear out here of the storm damage. It makes me feel like I live on another planet.
Posted by: Elizabeth Aquino | November 03, 2012 at 01:00 PM
I am so relieved that you are safe. What a great inspiration you are!
Posted by: Megsie | November 03, 2012 at 08:46 PM
That is very kind, but truly, we put away a few books. And it was fun instead of dirty and difficult. I am in awe of the people spending long hours volunteering at the shelters around here, or mucking out the buried basements. It is very nice to read your comments.
Posted by: The Diamond in the Window | November 03, 2012 at 10:10 PM
I'm relieved to hear that you and your family are safe. It has been surreal to follow the hurricane and its catastrophal consequences from over here in Europe. Volunteering at the library sounded like a great idea!
Posted by: Smukke | November 04, 2012 at 07:21 AM
I've been thinking of you and your family and am glad to hear everything is fine. One volunteer job is no more or less worthy than another.Keep up the good work!
Posted by: Karen@Mignardise | November 05, 2012 at 03:56 PM